Videography by Nikol

Capturing your events in a unique way

Video cover for: Bodies & Nature
What could you and your body be and receive today that you’ve never been willing or able to receive before? What if you can ask for relaxation, kindness and pleasure instead of stress, unkindness or depression?

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Video: Opening of the Symphony with Dr. Anthony Mattis
Welcome to the Opening of the Symphony, where you can play and explore all of you! This video was made while attending class Opening of the Symphony in Prague with amazing Dr. Anthony Mattis.

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Video Cover for 3 day Body Class by Katarina Wallentin. #2.
What if we could see are bodies as a gift and we allow ourselves to receive even more? What if nature can be our biggest teacher?

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Video Cover for 3 day Body Class by Katarina Wallentin. #1.
Enjoy the beautiful magic of the 3 Day Body Class. A class where bodies can melt into relaxation, receive different energies and open new possibilities. I made this video after attending this 3 day Bodyclass with the wonderful Katarina Wallentin in Poland.

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